The Theology of Grace Doctrine Church
The theology, or beliefs, of Grace Doctrine Church are codified in our doctrinal statement, or what we refer to as The 40 Proclamations. The complete statement is below. It is also available for download in PDF format, and in printed form, either at church or by request through our media fulfillment services.
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Various churches, denominations, and religions in Christendom differ in their explanations of God’s will, plan, and purpose for the human race. Referencing the same corpus of divinely inspired writings of the Bible, these various factions have created considerable confusion both internal and external to Christianity by disparities in their biblical interpretation of God’s infallible truth. This confusion is further aggravated by changes in scriptural hermeneutics in an attempt to adapt to the human standards and customs of contemporary society. However, despite efforts to interpret God’s Word to conform to human belief systems, God is not confused and the veracity of His Word as revealed in Scripture never changes with the passage of time. An accurate literal-grammatical- historical analysis of the Bible’s Hebrew and Greek manuscripts eliminates all such confusion.
How may such confusion be avoided?
Do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. (Eph 5:17).
The first mandate in this verse, “do not be foolish,” literally means in the Greek, “not to be without reason”; however, this phrase later came to mean, “do not be ignorant of that which is true.” Therefore, ignorance of God’s truth characterizes the believer who lives his life without access to biblical norms and standards in his soul, resulting in a lifestyle of confusion, frustration, and uncertainty.
The second mandate in this verse, “understand what the Lord’s will is,” commands the believer to have knowledge of the Lord’s plan as revealed in Scripture in order to faithfully execute God’s will and purpose for his life in the devil’s world. The believer who obeys this mandate glorifies Jesus Christ and magnifies His Word, and, as a result, receives His blessings and rewards in time and eternity. Conversely, the believer who does not obey this mandate suffers a confused, frustrated, and evil existence in cosmos diabolicus under the authority of Satan and the discipline of God.
Where do we find God’s plan?
All Scripture is inspired by God [God-breathed] and is profitable [useful] for teaching [Bible doctrine], for reproof, for correction, and training [instruction] in righteousness, so that the man of God [believer] may be adequate [thoroughly equipped] for every good work [become spiritually mature]. (2 Tim 3:16-17).
Consequently, God’s grace plan for mankind is found in the inspired writings of “All Scripture,” wherein the believer is: taught the absolute reality of doctrine; rebuked for erroneous thoughts, decisions, and actions; counseled on how to think from the divine perspective; and instructed in God’s perfect righteousness — all of which enables his advance to spiritual maturity.
How do we comprehend God’s plan?
“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My [Christ’s] name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. (John 14:26)
Make every effort to present yourself before God as a proven worker who does not need to be ashamed, teaching the message of truth accurately [imparting it without deviation]. (2 Tim 2:15, NET)